Even though pornography addiction is not a formal psychiatric diagnosis yet, most research studies have concluded that the number of teenage boys visiting porn sites at least once a day has reached epidemic rates. Some teenage boys have self reported going to porn sites five to 10 times a day. Therefore, while the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) does not list porn addiction as a formal diagnosis, many researchers and clinicians believe that people, especially teenage boys can become addicted to pornography very quickly.
Overall, most of the men and women report feeling isolated and lonely due to pornography. They felt embarrassed to tell their families or to seek help. Even if they wanted help, they did not know where to go to get help. Find the root cause is in many cases, a softer approach into the discussion.
When the internet first entered public consciousness in the early 1990's, a prominent media entrepreneur described it as a “sit up” rather than a “lean back” medium. What she meant was that it was quite different from TV, which encouraged passive consumption by a species of human known universally as the couch potato. The internet, some of us fondly imagined, would be different; it would encourage/enable people to become creative generators of their own content.
Spool forward a couple of decades and we are sadder and wiser. On any given weekday evening in many parts of the world, more than half of the data traffic on the internet is accounted for by video streaming to couch potatoes worldwide. (Except that many of them may not be sitting on couches, but watching on their smartphones in a variety of locations and postures.) The internet has turned into a billion-channel pornographic TV.
Studies have shown the COVID-19 pandemic, with its isolation, mental health stressors and other hardships, has exacerbated dependency on pornography. With one-quarter to one-third of online searches pertaining to sexually explicit materials, consumption has grown to the point of some labeling its prevalence as a "porndemic."
The Christian community has not been immune, say counselors and pastors in Colorado Springs, who've been engaged in the battle against porn addiction.
"Porn is everywhere, so even if you're not looking for it, it's there, and if you're feeling lonely, sad or scared, boom! This is something that excites you," said Nate Havens, a former pornography addict who works as a pastoral coach and counselor with Growing Hope Christian Counseling of Colorado Springs.
The porn industry’s annual revenue is global $100 billion, and the porn industry’s annual revenue in the US is $15 billion. The porn industry size has never been more extensive, and it’s expected to increase more in the next 10-20 years. While the adult website industry seems huge, it's run by 5-8 large producers. The 5 biggest porn companies own websites that cover 80% of all porn-related searches and therefore also 80% of all revenue. teen pornography usage stats pornography's impact
There is an area in your brain known as the “reward center” that helps form habits. It releases chemicals, including dopamine, which establish connections between actions and the perceived desirability of that action. Over time, reprogramming out brains to seek rewards which in turn, escalate. We are seeing that escalation play out in real-time over the past two decades with no end in sight, UNLESS we put our foot down.
Dopamine is known as a “pleasure” chemical; it creates a link between certain habits and a “reward.” Activities like exercise, eating, and sex all trigger reactions in this part of the brain. With pornography, however, the brain responds differently than it does with run-of-the-mill stimulation, like a sugary snack or a simple game. For most daily behaviors, the brain has an “off” switch that stops the release of dopamine once a craving has been satisfied, but not forever.
In short, when viewing pornography, your brain gets less pleasure while wanting more, often causing desensitization and an escalation in behavior. We are seeing that play out now. We have come to a point where we are mutilating children, changing their genders in the name of progress and sexual identity. Our men, specifically need a reset, a renewal. It is time to put what Satan is doing to rest. Jesus is the only answer!
A survey was fielded from September 12 to September 21, 2022. Nearly 3 in 4 teen respondents (73%) have been exposed to pornography, either accidentally or on purpose. Less than half of teen respondents had discussed pornography with a trusted adult.
With the rise of high-speed internet access, then the ability to access adult content on our cell devices at a moments notice, make the temptation even more difficult to resist. Men and Women alike are accessing, engaging and sharing pornographic materials in real time with viral intensity. Each time we access pornography we are welcoming another partner into our marriage.
A man who is sexually faithful to his wife is training his mind (with the release of oxytocin) whenever they are sexually intimate to find his wife more attractive than all other women. We cultivate sexual appetite every bit as much as we cultivate a taste for certain foods. A man or women who is mentally promiscuous is literally training his/her mind to find other women more attractive than his wife. If your head is on a swivel, this is likely the why.
Pornography literally rewires a mans brain, making it difficult, if not impossible to be sexually satisfied (or even aroused ) by his wife. Pornography works on the neurological trigger of offering something new. If a man see's a familiar video or picture, he'll usually clicks right over it. It's "used up". It's the "something new" that pulls him in and gets his attention. Same exact thing happens in a marriage. Imagine the hurt.
You can quickly see how this is the antithesis of marriage, where a person finds full satisfaction in their spouse over the course of a lifetime. The same God-ordained sexual desire that can knit a man’s soul to his wife can get diverted to create a lust for women in general rather than desire for his wife in particular. Every digital distraction can rip the fabric of a marriage apart. Digital engagement is the same as physical to our brains.
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